How do I create assignments and share them with students?

Creating an Assignment

After signing in, Inq-ITS labs can be found under the "Topics" tab.

"Topics" lists all of the lab topics Inq-ITS has to offer. On the left, topics can be filtered by different categories, and labs can be found by searching for keywords, NGSS Performance Expectations, and NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas.

Once you find the lab topic you would like to assign, click "Details" to preview and assign labs from this topic to students.

Then, you will have options to configure your assignment across multiple screens:

  • If you want to assign the labs with or without Rex (our AI tutor who helps students as they work)
  • If you want to include a content pretest or posttest
  • Which labs you would like to include in the assignment
  • The order of the labs assigned
  • Which class sections to give this assignment to (if no sections have been created, Inq-ITS will prompt you here to create them)
  • If Google Classroom is enabled, various options for configuring when the assignment is released and its point value.

Once complete, review your choices and click "Assign".

Sharing an Assignment with Your Students without Google Classroom

Inq-ITS does not require rostering. Instead, students are rostered automatically when they access an assignment link.

After completing the assignment process, you'll see multiple labs appear in your assignment list, one for each section you assigned. For each student section, click on "Copy Invite Link" and share it with your students by pasting it in an email, a learning management system platform like Canvas, or Schoology, or whichever way you best communicate with your students. Each website link is specific to a class section, so make sure to send out the right links to the right students.

Once students click on the link, Inq-ITS will prompt them to either create a new account, or sign in.

  • If students are new to Inq-ITS, have them follow the instructions for creating a new account, and the lab you assigned will automatically be associated with their new account.
  • If students have existing accounts, once they log in, the lab you assigned will be automatically associated with their account.

Sharing an Assignment with Your Students using Google Classroom

Inq-ITS does not require rostering. Instead, students are rostered automatically when they access an assignment link. If you have enabled Google Classroom with Inq-ITS, it will automatically push Inq-ITS assignments to your Google Classroom classes.

When students click on the link within Google Classroom, Inq-ITS will prompt them to either create a new account, or sign in.

  • If students are new to Inq-ITS, have them follow the instructions for creating a new account, and the lab you assigned will automatically be associated with their new account.
  • If students have existing accounts, once they log in, the lab you assigned will be automatically associated with their account.

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