What kind of help does Rex, the AI tutor, provide?

What kind of help does Rex, the tutor, provide?

Rex is a cartoon dinosaur who can tutor students’ in real time as they conduct authentic inquiry. This immediate feedback provides the assistance students need to progress and improve their inquiry skills. Rex provides feedback on every stage of the inquiry process.

In Hypothesis, Rex will prompt students for the following…

  • When the student’s hypothesis is not consistent with their goal.
  • When they do not choose an independent variable for their hypothesis.
  • When they do not choose a dependent variable for their hypothesis.
  • When the student mixes up their independent and dependent variables.

In Collect Data, Rex will prompt students for the following…

  • When a student only conducts one trial.
  • When a student does not control their investigation.
  • When a student does not target their independent variable.
  • If calculations are necessary, Rex will help students if they do their calculations incorrectly.

In Analysis, Rex will prompt students for the following…

  • When a student does not construct a claim.
  • When the independent variable selected in the claim is not the independent
  • variable the student tested in the investigation.
  • When the dependent variable selected in the claim was not the dependent variable measured in the investigation.
  • When the relationship selected in the claim for the variables of interest does not accurately reflect the data collected.
  • When the student does not accurately state whether their claim supports their initial hypothesis.
  • When a student does not warrant the claim by selecting trials from their data table.
  • When the trials selected do not focus on the Independent Variable being tested.
  • When the trials selected do not support the relationship between the IV and DV.
  • When the selected trials do not control the investigation.

In Explain Findings, Rex will prompt students for the following…

  • If the lab write-up is too short.

If Rex assists students in completing their investigation you will see a score that is not consistent with the student’s work in their lab report. For example: The student at the right created a hypothesis that is valid. It contains an independent variable, a dependent variable, and an understanding of the relationship between the two. However, his score of only 50 is a clear indication that this student needed Rex’s assistance in order to complete this hypothesis, and therefore he did not earn a higher score.

This page was last updated in October 2023.

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