How do I upload scores into another system?

If you connect Inq-ITS to Google Classroom, you can sync Inq-ITS grades right to your gradebook:

  1. Click on the assignments tab.
  2. Click on the options button next to the assignment you want to sync (three orange dots button).
  3. Choose "Grade Sync".

On the "Assignments" page, a message will appear in the "Gradebook" column letting you know the sync status of the assignment. If a sync is needed, a message will appear.

If you do not connect to Google Classroom, you can download a comma-separated value file containing all the Inq-ITS scores for an assignment. See the related article on downloading scores.

When manually uploading scores into a different system, such as a Learning Management System, some browser plugins may help simplify the uploading process. A couple of plugins suggested by our users are:

This articule was last updated September, 2023.

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