Summary of Digital Lab: Electromagnet

Summary of Digital Labs: Electromagnet

Electromagnet (1): Investigate 


The goal of this virtual lab is to explore how the number of coil turns, current, and distance impact the strength of the magnetic field and lifting force in a junkyard.

Driving Questions:

  • Determine how the number of turns affects the strength of the magnetic field.
  • Determine how the amount of current affects the strength of the magnetic field.
  • Determine how the distance between the electromagnet and the piece of metal affects the lifting force between them.

NGSS Standards: 



Electromagnet (3): Predict


The goal of this virtual lab is to explore the mathematical relationships involved in the strength and lifting force of a junkyard electromagnet. 

Driving Questions:

  • Develop a mathematical model and make predictions about how the number of turns affects the strength of the magnetic field.
  • Develop a mathematical model and make predictions about how the amount of current affects the strength of the magnetic field.
  • Develop a mathematical model and make predictions about how the distance between the electromagnet and the piece of metal affects the lifting force between them.

NGSS Standards: 



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