Summary of Digital Lab: Seasons

Summary of Digital Lab: Seasons


The goal of this virtual lab is to explore the factors that influence the seasons on Earth.

Driving Questions

    Seasons: Introduction
  • Determine how the location of the observer affects the angle of sunlight.
  • Determine how the tilt of the Earth affects the average temperature.
  • Determine how the location of the Earth in orbit changes the distance of Earth from the Sun.
  • Seasons: Advanced
  • Determine how the angle of sunlight changes.
  • Determine how the average temperature changes.
  • Determine how the distance of Earth from the Sun changes.
  • Seasons: Introduction - Earth has NO Tilt!
  • If the Earth has no tilt, determine how the location of the observer affects the angle of sunlight.
  • If the Earth has no tilt, determine how the location of the Earth in orbit affects the average temperature.
  • If the Earth has no tilt, determine how the location of the Earth in orbit changes the distance of Earth from the Sun.
  • Seasons: Advanced - Earth has NO Tilt!
  • If the Earth has no tilt, determine how the angle of sunlight can change.
  • If the Earth has no tilt, determine how the average temperature can change.
  • If the Earth has no tilt, determine how the distance of Earth from the Sun can change.

NGSS Standards

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